Send a thank you + cozy winter favs
Lunch City Studio
A collection of art that connects people and places.
Made in New England by:
Courtney Drake (human) and Lunchbox (dog)
One tree is planted for every sale. We've planted trees in Alberta, The Amazon Rainforest, The Andes, Australia, Brazil, British Columbia, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Ontario, Québec, Peru, The Philippines, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and throughout the United States. All trees are planted by our partner, One Tree Planted. With your help, we have planted over 7,000 trees!
What should we make next?
We have products for a number of places, but certainly not all of them! Do you have a favorite place? A favorite city, state, region, or elsewhere? Submit your requests for places and products below.